How to cook Yellow Curry Crab
a favorite recipe from the knowledgeable Thai guides at Pedalers
• 1 kg -crab (about 3 large crabs)
• 1.5 tbsp - sugar
• 1 tsp - msg
• 3 tbsp - oyster sauce
• 1 tbsp - fish sauce
• 3 tbsp - thai chili paste
• 4 fl oz - coconut milk
• 2 or 3 - eggs
• 2 medium size - white onion
• 3 small bunches - parsley
• 4 - green onions
• 1 small head - garlic
• 2 tsp - yellow curry powder
• 1 tsp - roti (bullion)
How to Cook
Cut each crab into about 4 pieces, remove claws, break shell of claws. Slice onion in half then into thin strips. Crush garlic cloves.
Heat up oil in wok, cook garlic, then add crab and turn down to medium heat. Add oyster sauce, continue to cook a minute. Add onion and continue to cook crab. When crab about done, add msg and roti, mix in, then add coconut milk, yellow curry, fish sauce and sugar, mix in each ingredient as added. Add two eggs, stir into mix and continue to cook. When egg cooked, add parsley and green onion, cut into 2 inch pieces, stir in and turn off heat.
Add a little bit of diced green onion leaves for decoration when served. Enjoy with rice.
This is just one of many delicious Thai dishes you will enjoy on a Thailand cycling tour with Pedalers. Our guide teams know the best local eateries for authentic Thai cuisine.